Petz Activity Shows


An activity show is any show that's not a "pose" show. They involve doing activities with your pet. There are several different types like agility, frisbee, and mousing! They are fun! And a way to experience the Petz game on a deeper level. Really get to know your petz and play with them. You can also earn titles.
Join our Discord Participate in Activity Show Month (September) See open activity shows

Show Types & Titles


For cats and dogs.

A show type with multiple options for tasks, you can get a picture while just playing with your pets. Or you can aim for one of the more involved tasks if you want a challenge. It's up to you!




For dogs.

Do you like to play frisbee with your dogs? Then this is the show for you! Simply submit a picture of your best frisbee catch.

Titles: FD AFD FDX



For cats and dogs.

If your pet has a talent for tricks, consider entering them in this show type. This guide shows all the tricks petz can learn




For Catz and Dogz

Mousing is a proposed new set of titles for shows where petz compete on their enthusiasm for mouse catching.

Coming soon


For cats, dogs... and maybe others.

There are many other, though less popular, show types! Why don't you give them a shot or come up with new ones? You can find some examples at the link below.

Duke's Group directory of show types


Q: Do I need multiple pictures of my pet to enter?

A: No, most activity shows only require one! As a bonus, these are often pictures you can take in the normal course of playing with your pets.

Q: Do I need to train my pets?

A: For the most part, no. If you already play frisbee with them, for example, you can just take pictures of that. Agility shows have a number of activities you can choose from that don’t require training. The only ones where you might need more intensive training are trick shows.

Q: Are there titles?

A: Yes! See the guides above for a list of the titles you can get in each show type. In addition to those, you can aim for World Legend.

World Legend

If you like to rack up titles, you can aim for the World Legend title! The goal is to achieve the highest possible title with a single pet in every show type that pet can enter. For pose shows, you can choose between aiming for Supreme Grand Champion or Legend. To keep track of your progress, you can grab yourself a card and some stickers. More things coming soon!

Pet image:

Fun Stuff/Extras


These are NOT mandatory for participating in shows, but they might make your game more fun.

Amanda has a lot of downloadable frisbees and hoops! Even more can be found on her PUGS shop.

PDH's Resources has agility toys you can download.

Wrrainevast & Grafftertine was a Polish site with a number of agility toys in their downloads section.

Lobb has some downloadable frisbee awards, and trick trophies with more coming soon.

Unique Petz has a balance board.

Kizmet has cheese treats, for more easily training your petz with extra tricks.

Easy Show Templates

Just copy these to start your forum shows!

